Ethiopian Names

Ethiopian names are as diverse as the country’s cultures and religions. There are over 80 ethnic groups each having unique traditional names. Most names in Ethiopia originate from the Amharic language, which is the official language of Ethiopia.
In Amhara and Tigray regions, Ethiopian bible names are common while names in the western parts of the country are traditional. Most names in Oromia and Somali regions are Islamic.
Tigrigna and Amharic names are similar and usually have double barrelled surnames such as Gebre Egziabher and Haile Selassie.
In Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia and other cities, Amharic and Ethiopian Orthodox bible names are common.
Here are some of the most common Ethiopian names and their meanings.
Ethiopian Girl Names
- Abebech Blossomed
- Abrihet She’s shined
- Abeba Flower
- Addis New
- Alem World
- Almaz Diamond
- Baredu Beautiful
- Bezawit Role model
- Bilen Iris
- Birtukan Orange
- Desta Happiness
- Emebet Lady
- Feker Love
- Gelila Rolling hills
- Genet Heaven
- Haben Pride
- Hiwet Life
- Kiya Mine
- Lemlem Fertile
- Meseret Base
- Meskerem January
- Nardos Gift of God
- Samrawit She Unites
- Selamawit Peaceful
- Tigist Patience
Ethiopian Boy Names
- Abebe Blossomed
- Abera Lightned
- Abiy The Main
- Aberham Biblical*
- Adamu Adam
- Addisu Newer
- Afework Golden Mouth
- Alazar Biblical*
- Alemu His World
- Amare Beautified
- Berhanu The Light
- Biruk Blessed
- Dawit David
- Fitsum Absolute
- Haile My Power
- Habte My Wealth
- Hagos Happiness
- Iskinder Biblical*
- Jemal Islamic*
- Kemal Islamic*
- Mesfin Throne
- Mengistu His Kingdom
- Moges Grace
- Negus King
- Tesfaye My Hope
* Names from either the Bible or Quran